Welcome to Code Elevator, where we're dedicated to revolutionizing the MLM industry with our innovative compensation plan solutions. Our Matrix Plan stands as a testament to our commitment to empowering your business for success in the competitive MLM landscape.
What is the Matrix Plan?
The Matrix Plan, also known as the Forced Matrix Plan, is a popular compensation structure used in multi-level marketing businesses.
In this plan, distributors are organized in a fixed width and depth matrix, such as 3x5 or 5x7, where each distributor can only sponsor a limited number of frontline distributors.
Matrix Plan is also known as Forced Matrix Plan because it works on the principal of fixed width and depth in a structure. It looks like a ladder where recruits are arranged into fixed number of rows and columns that is why many people refer it as Ladder plan.
The way matrix plan works is very simple and easy to understand. In Matrix plan there are fixed numbers of distributors allowed in each level based on the structure company choose to follow.
Let’s take an example of 3 x 6 matrix plan, which is shown in below table.
What are Power Leg and Profit Leg in MLM Matrix Plan?
If you will ask any Matrix plan MLM company about their plan they will tell you we have 3*9 Matrix. So, what do they mean by 3*9? Here, 3 stands for Width and 9 stands for Depth. Networker can have 3 members in his/her 1st level of matrix. And he/she can have 9 levels in matrix. Most common Width and Depth in MLM Matrix plan are 2*2, 4*7, 5*7, 3*9 and 2*12.
What is Global Autofill in MLM Matrix Plan?
Nowadays, many companies follow global autofill model for their MLM Matrix business. Global autofill follows top to bottom, left to right pattern. Your matrix will be filled with this pattern only doesn’t matter new joining are from your team or not. YAKS Group has developed many global autofill MLM matrix plan for MLM companies.
What is Sponsor Autofill in MLM Matrix Plan?
As we have discussed global autofill, it will be easy to understand Sponsor Autofill. Sponsor autofill also follows the top to bottom, left to right Matrix filling pattern. But, it will be from Networker’s team only not for all the joining of the company.
Sponsor/Direct Income
Sponsor or Direct income is income earned by referring someone in the system. For every direct referral, Networker gets paid by Sponsor income. Normally Sponsor/Direct income is Fixed amount of percentage of the package amount. In MLM Matrix plan companies have condition of compulsory Sponsors equal to their width.
Level Income
In MLM Matrix plan, level income is commission earned by completing levels of Matrix. For example, if company has 3*9 Matrix model then if Networker completes 2nd level then he/she will get “X” amount then after completing 3rd level he/she will get “X+Y” amount. In 2nd level Networker will require 9 members and 3rd level Networker will require 27 members.
Reward Income
MLM companies offer rewards of number of directs of number of levels completed. Basic funda of Reward income is to keep active Networker in MLM business.
Royalty Income
Royalty income can be offered in many ways. Most common way is sharing percentage turn over of company with the person if he/she achieve specific condition. MLM company’s stare 1% to 10% as Royalty income for Networker.
Great Earning : Matrix plan allows MLM company as well MLM Networkers to earn handsome amount of money. MLM companies start earning with every single joining. Networker can earn instantly with all joining in downline.
Upline Downline Co-opeartion : As we have mentioned in Width and Depth explanation that MLM companies limit referral numbers by Width so Networker do spill over for their downline or motivates downline to increase their network.
Performance Driven Approach :MLM Matrix plan is pure performance driven business plan. Those who perform can earn unlimited.
Easy to Understand : When you explain any MLM Matrix company’s plan to someone it will not take more than 5 minutes. It’s so easy to explain and so easy to understand.
When the payments are transferred in MLM Matrix Plan ?
Normally, MLM companies transfer payments Daily or Weekly or Monthly Basis. Even many companies provide option or user withdrawal, so user can withdrawal whenever he/she want.